Contested Global Landscapes

A Multidisciplinary Initiative of the Cornell Institute for the Social Sciences

Sara Pritchard is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Science & Technology Studies, as well as a member of the graduate field in History.  Her specializations include environmental history, the history of technology, and the history of modern France and French empire.  Sara’s first book, Confluence: The Nature of Technology and the Remaking of the Rhône (Harvard University Press, 2011), examined the transformation of France’s Rhône River since 1945.  She has also published a number of articles and book chapters that integrate environmental history with the history of technology and science studies.  Her second book-length project, Fluid Empires: Hydraulic Regimes across the “French” Mediterranean, which she will be developing in association with the ISS Theme Project, is a historical study of water management regimes in southern France and French North Africa during the colonial and postcolonial eras with a focus on the connections between these places.  She is interested in the ways that hydraulic knowledge, water management practices, and water itself are central to understanding the motives, politics, and implications of both contemporary and historical land acquisitions.


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